Home Other Nets LL Pre Tied Mono 1.6mm 250lb Stopper 2m 120m $59.90 incl GST LL Pre Tied Mono 1.6mm 250lb Stopper 2m 120m Qty: Sorry, the selected product is currently out of stock. Sorry, there are only 2 of this item currently in stock. the selected product is not available. Enquire Now Add to cart Add To Favourites Remove From Favourites SKU LLPTM16-125 Share
LL Pre Tied Mono 1.6mm 250lb Stopper 2m 120m $59.90 incl GST LL Pre Tied Mono 1.6mm 250lb Stopper 2m 120m
Description Longline Backbone 120 metres 1.6mm 250lb Stoppered 2 metres apart The highest quality pre-stoppered line available. Vastly superior to crimped hook sections and much easier on your hands.
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